Sumber :
After Story mengisahkan setelah musim pertama, setelah semester akhir Tomoya sekolah tinggi. Setelah menyatakan cintanya ke Nagisa, mereka mulai memiliki hubungan yang dekat. Kehidupan mereka bersama akan menghadapi tantangan tak terduga, seperti kebenaran di balik dunia ilusi dan legenda kota datang ke cahaya.
Character Utama
- Furukawa Nagisa
Sumber :
Warna mata: Golden Yellow
Ulang Tahun: 24 Desember
Tinggi: 155 cm
Bust: 80 cm
Pinggang: 55 cm
Hip: 81 cm
Berat: 43 kg
Horoskop: Capricorn
Golongan Darah: A
Favorite TV Show: Dango Daikazoku
Lagu favorit: Dango Daikazoku
Hewan favorit: Cat
Makanan favorit: Anpan
Nagisa adalah pahlawan utama dari Clannad, dan putri Akio dan Sanae Furukawa. Meskipun dia berada di tahun terakhirnya, Nagisa adalah satu tahun lebih tua dari teman-teman sekelasnya, dia harus mengulang tahun ketiga lagi setelah penyakit yang berlangsung sembilan bulan. Nagisa Tomoya bertemu pada hari pertama tahun ini.
Nagisa sangat pemalu, dan memiliki kebiasaan mengatakan nama-nama makanan yang dia ingin makan sebagai cara untuk memotivasi dirinya. Dia ingin membangun kembali ditangguhkan Theater Klub, tetapi tidak memiliki cukup kepercayaan diri untuk melakukannya.
Nagisa mulai berkencan Tomoya, dan pasangan itu menikah segera setelah itu. Nagisa hamil dengan Ushio - sayangnya, karena tubuh yang lemah, dia meninggal tak lama setelah melahirkan. Pada akhir sejati ~ After Story ~, Nagisa bertahan, dan hidup bersama-sama dengan Tomoya dan Ushio.
- Okazaki Tomoya
Sumber :
Warna rambut: Biru
Warna mata: Biru
Ulang Tahun : October 30
Horoskop : Scorpio
Tinggi: 173cm
Berat: 61kg
Kelas : 3 - D
Golongan darah : A
Tomoya Okazaki adalah protagonis laki-laki dari Clannad . Karena kebiasaannya selalu datang terlambat ke sekolah , melewatkan kelas siang hari , dan tinggal di luar sepanjang malam , ia telah dicap sebagai tunggakan , atau orang muda yang menentang otoritas .Dia adalah teman masa kecil Kotomi Ichinose dan adalah teman terbaik dengan Youhei Sunohara . Saat ia berkembang melalui sekolah tinggi , ia bertemu banyak teman baru , seperti Kyou , Ryou , Tomoyo , Fuko , dan tentu saja Nagisa . Dia memiliki bakat untuk memecahkan masalah teman-temannya , dan tampaknya peduli untuk mereka semua sangat . Dia juga tampaknya tidak menyadari bahwa beberapa gadis di sekolah menunjukkan minat dalam dirinya .Kisah utama dalam Clannad Tomoya adalah tentang belajar tentang gunanya punya keluarga dan teman-teman . Dia juga memiliki mitra timeline alternatif yang berakhir dengan Tomoyo dan Kyou masing-masing di anime .Sejak ibunya , Atsuko , meninggal dalam kecelakaan mobil ketika ia masih muda , Tomoya telah tinggal dengan ayahnya , Naoyuki Okazaki , dengan siapa ia berpendapat terus-menerus. Tomoya terluka saat bertengkar dengan ayahnya tiga tahun yang lalu , sejak saat itu , hubungan mereka sudah sangat jauh .
- Okazaki Ushio
Sumber :
Character Pembantu
- Ryou Fujibayashi
Sumber :
Bust: 82 cm
Pinggang 56 cm
Hip: 82 cm
Berat: 46 kg
Golongan Darah: O
Ulang Tahun: 9/9
Constellation: Virgo
Kyou adalah seorang gadis yang buruk-mulut dan agresif dikenal sebagai juru masak yang baik. Dia berada di kelas Tomoya di tahun kedua mereka, dan telah mempertahankan persahabatan mantap dengan Tomoya meskipun mereka dimasukkan ke dalam kelas yang berbeda pada tahun ketiga mereka. Dia saat ini perwakilan kelas kelasnya. Dia memiliki bayi babi peliharaan bernama Botan. Dia memiliki skuter dan dia melemparkan berbagai jenis kamus terhadap siapa pun dia mendapat marah dengan, terutama Youhei.
- Kyou Fujubayashi
Height: 159 cm
Weight: 47 kg
Birthday: 9/9
Constellation: Virgo
Blood Type: O
Ryou is Tomoya's classmate and class representative. She is the younger of the Fujibayashi twins. Unlike her older sister, she is timid and doesn’t cook well, though she is good with other household chores. Ryou is very keen about fortune telling, but her predictions, while incredibly specific, always manage to be either somewhat skewed or extremely wrong. She aspires to become a nurse.
Weight: 47 kg
Birthday: 9/9
Constellation: Virgo
Blood Type: O
Ryou is Tomoya's classmate and class representative. She is the younger of the Fujibayashi twins. Unlike her older sister, she is timid and doesn’t cook well, though she is good with other household chores. Ryou is very keen about fortune telling, but her predictions, while incredibly specific, always manage to be either somewhat skewed or extremely wrong. She aspires to become a nurse.
Sumber :
Tinggi: 160 cm Bust: 82 cm
Pinggang 56 cm
Hip: 82 cm
Berat: 46 kg
Golongan Darah: O
Ulang Tahun: 9/9
Constellation: Virgo
Kyou adalah seorang gadis yang buruk-mulut dan agresif dikenal sebagai juru masak yang baik. Dia berada di kelas Tomoya di tahun kedua mereka, dan telah mempertahankan persahabatan mantap dengan Tomoya meskipun mereka dimasukkan ke dalam kelas yang berbeda pada tahun ketiga mereka. Dia saat ini perwakilan kelas kelasnya. Dia memiliki bayi babi peliharaan bernama Botan. Dia memiliki skuter dan dia melemparkan berbagai jenis kamus terhadap siapa pun dia mendapat marah dengan, terutama Youhei.
Height: 159 cm
Weight: 47 kg
Birthday: 9/9
Constellation: Virgo
Blood Type: O
Ryou is Tomoya's classmate and class representative. She is the younger of the Fujibayashi twins. Unlike her older sister, she is timid and doesn’t cook well, though she is good with other household chores. Ryou is very keen about fortune telling, but her predictions, while incredibly specific, always manage to be either somewhat skewed or extremely wrong. She aspires to become a nurse.
Weight: 47 kg
Birthday: 9/9
Constellation: Virgo
Blood Type: O
Ryou is Tomoya's classmate and class representative. She is the younger of the Fujibayashi twins. Unlike her older sister, she is timid and doesn’t cook well, though she is good with other household chores. Ryou is very keen about fortune telling, but her predictions, while incredibly specific, always manage to be either somewhat skewed or extremely wrong. She aspires to become a nurse.
- Kotomi Ichinose
Sumber :
Ulang Tahun: Mei 13
Constellation: Taurus
Golongan darah: A
Tinggi: 160cm ~ 5'3''
Bust: 88 cm
Pinggang: 58cm
Hip: 85cm
Berat: 48kg
Hewan favorit: Gajah Afrika
Makanan favorit: Pork potongan
Kotomi adalah teman sekolah lain Tomoya di tahun yang sama, tetapi, seperti Kyou, berada dalam kelas terpisah dari Tomoya. The "Koto" di Kotomi berasal dari alat musik gesek musik Jepang dengan nama yang sama. Dia berada di sepuluh besar untuk setiap subjek di seluruh negara standar hasil-ujian dia selalu pergi ke perpustakaan untuk membaca bahan-bahan tambahan, khususnya buku-buku dalam bahasa asing. Kotomi adalah gadis yang sangat tenang dan cukup sulit untuk berkomunikasi dengannya. Dalam waktu luangnya, ia memainkan biola, meskipun dia sangat miskin dalam hal itu sampai menyebabkan rasa sakit kepada mereka yang mendengar dia bermain.
- Tomoyo Sakagami
Sumber :
Constellation: Libra
Golongan darah: O
Tinggi: 161cm
Bust: 86cm
Pinggang: 57cm
Hip: 82cm
Berat: 47kg
Tomoyo ditransfer ke sekolah Tomoya sebagai mahasiswa tahun kedua selama musim semi. Meskipun Tomoya lebih tua dari dia, Tomoyo tidak menunjukkan hormat kepadanya sebagai mahasiswa senior. Dia memiliki adik bernama Takafumi (鹰 文).
Dia dikabarkan akan kekerasan dan memiliki catatan pelanggaran untuk memerangi. Rumor ini kemudian dikonfirmasi, ketika ia memukuli beberapa berandalan dari sekolah sebelumnya di hari selama jam sekolah. Youhei tantangan Tomoyo, tak bisa percaya apa yang dilihatnya. Setelah beberapa kali pertemuan dengan Tomoyo, Tomoya belajar dari Tomoyo bahwa dia ingin menjadi presiden dewan mahasiswa, dan kemudian, alasan nya ingin menjadi satu.
Birthday: October 14
Constellation: Libra
Blood type: O
Height: 161cm
Bust: 86cm
Waist: 57cm
Hip: 82cm
Weight: 47kg
Tomoyo transferred to Tomoya's school as a second year student during spring. Although Tomoya is older than her, Tomoyo does not show him his due respect as a senior student. She has a younger brother named Takafumi (鷹文).
She is rumored to be violent and to have a misconduct record for fighting. These rumors are later confirmed, when she beats up several delinquents from her previous school at a day during school hours. Youhei challenges Tomoyo, unable to believe what he saw. After several meetings with Tomoyo, Tomoya learns from Tomoyo that she wants to be a student council president, and later, her reason of wanting to be one.
Constellation: Libra
Blood type: O
Height: 161cm
Bust: 86cm
Waist: 57cm
Hip: 82cm
Weight: 47kg
Tomoyo transferred to Tomoya's school as a second year student during spring. Although Tomoya is older than her, Tomoyo does not show him his due respect as a senior student. She has a younger brother named Takafumi (鷹文).
She is rumored to be violent and to have a misconduct record for fighting. These rumors are later confirmed, when she beats up several delinquents from her previous school at a day during school hours. Youhei challenges Tomoyo, unable to believe what he saw. After several meetings with Tomoyo, Tomoya learns from Tomoyo that she wants to be a student council president, and later, her reason of wanting to be one.
Birthday: October 14
Constellation: Libra
Blood type: O
Height: 161cm
Bust: 86cm
Waist: 57cm
Hip: 82cm
Weight: 47kg
Tomoyo transferred to Tomoya's school as a second year student during spring. Although Tomoya is older than her, Tomoyo does not show him his due respect as a senior student. She has a younger brother named Takafumi (鷹文).
She is rumored to be violent and to have a misconduct record for fighting. These rumors are later confirmed, when she beats up several delinquents from her previous school at a day during school hours. Youhei challenges Tomoyo, unable to believe what he saw. After several meetings with Tomoyo, Tomoya learns from Tomoyo that she wants to be a student council president, and later, her reason of wanting to be one.
Constellation: Libra
Blood type: O
Height: 161cm
Bust: 86cm
Waist: 57cm
Hip: 82cm
Weight: 47kg
Tomoyo transferred to Tomoya's school as a second year student during spring. Although Tomoya is older than her, Tomoyo does not show him his due respect as a senior student. She has a younger brother named Takafumi (鷹文).
She is rumored to be violent and to have a misconduct record for fighting. These rumors are later confirmed, when she beats up several delinquents from her previous school at a day during school hours. Youhei challenges Tomoyo, unable to believe what he saw. After several meetings with Tomoyo, Tomoya learns from Tomoyo that she wants to be a student council president, and later, her reason of wanting to be one.
Birthday: October 14
Constellation: Libra
Blood type: O
Height: 161cm
Bust: 86cm
Waist: 57cm
Hip: 82cm
Weight: 47kg
Tomoyo transferred to Tomoya's school as a second year student during spring. Although Tomoya is older than her, Tomoyo does not show him his due respect as a senior student. She has a younger brother named Takafumi (鷹文).
She is rumored to be violent and to have a misconduct record for fighting. These rumors are later confirmed, when she beats up several delinquents from her previous school at a day during school hours. Youhei challenges Tomoyo, unable to believe what he saw. After several meetings with Tomoyo, Tomoya learns from Tomoyo that she wants to be a student council president, and later, her reason of wanting to be one.
Constellation: Libra
Blood type: O
Height: 161cm
Bust: 86cm
Waist: 57cm
Hip: 82cm
Weight: 47kg
Tomoyo transferred to Tomoya's school as a second year student during spring. Although Tomoya is older than her, Tomoyo does not show him his due respect as a senior student. She has a younger brother named Takafumi (鷹文).
She is rumored to be violent and to have a misconduct record for fighting. These rumors are later confirmed, when she beats up several delinquents from her previous school at a day during school hours. Youhei challenges Tomoyo, unable to believe what he saw. After several meetings with Tomoyo, Tomoya learns from Tomoyo that she wants to be a student council president, and later, her reason of wanting to be one.
Birthday: October 14
Constellation: Libra
Blood type: O
Height: 161cm
Bust: 86cm
Waist: 57cm
Hip: 82cm
Weight: 47kg
Tomoyo transferred to Tomoya's school as a second year student during spring. Although Tomoya is older than her, Tomoyo does not show him his due respect as a senior student. She has a younger brother named Takafumi (鷹文).
She is rumored to be violent and to have a misconduct record for fighting. These rumors are later confirmed, when she beats up several delinquents from her previous school at a day during school hours. Youhei challenges Tomoyo, unable to believe what he saw. After several meetings with Tomoyo, Tomoya learns from Tomoyo that she wants to be a student council president, and later, her reason of wanting to be one.
Constellation: Libra
Blood type: O
Height: 161cm
Bust: 86cm
Waist: 57cm
Hip: 82cm
Weight: 47kg
Tomoyo transferred to Tomoya's school as a second year student during spring. Although Tomoya is older than her, Tomoyo does not show him his due respect as a senior student. She has a younger brother named Takafumi (鷹文).
She is rumored to be violent and to have a misconduct record for fighting. These rumors are later confirmed, when she beats up several delinquents from her previous school at a day during school hours. Youhei challenges Tomoyo, unable to believe what he saw. After several meetings with Tomoyo, Tomoya learns from Tomoyo that she wants to be a student council president, and later, her reason of wanting to be one.
Birthday: October 14
Constellation: Libra
Blood type: O
Height: 161cm
Bust: 86cm
Waist: 57cm
Hip: 82cm
Weight: 47kg
Tomoyo transferred to Tomoya's school as a second year student during spring. Although Tomoya is older than her, Tomoyo does not show him his due respect as a senior student. She has a younger brother named Takafumi (鷹文).
She is rumored to be violent and to have a misconduct record for fighting. These rumors are later confirmed, when she beats up several delinquents from her previous school at a day during school hours. Youhei challenges Tomoyo, unable to believe what he saw. After several meetings with Tomoyo, Tomoya learns from Tomoyo that she wants to be a student council president, and later, her reason of wanting to be one.
Constellation: Libra
Blood type: O
Height: 161cm
Bust: 86cm
Waist: 57cm
Hip: 82cm
Weight: 47kg
Tomoyo transferred to Tomoya's school as a second year student during spring. Although Tomoya is older than her, Tomoyo does not show him his due respect as a senior student. She has a younger brother named Takafumi (鷹文).
She is rumored to be violent and to have a misconduct record for fighting. These rumors are later confirmed, when she beats up several delinquents from her previous school at a day during school hours. Youhei challenges Tomoyo, unable to believe what he saw. After several meetings with Tomoyo, Tomoya learns from Tomoyo that she wants to be a student council president, and later, her reason of wanting to be one.
Birthday: October 14
Constellation: Libra
Blood type: O
Height: 161cm
Bust: 86cm
Waist: 57cm
Hip: 82cm
Weight: 47kg
Tomoyo transferred to Tomoya's school as a second year student during spring. Although Tomoya is older than her, Tomoyo does not show him his due respect as a senior student. She has a younger brother named Takafumi (鷹文).
She is rumored to be violent and to have a misconduct record for fighting. These rumors are later confirmed, when she beats up several delinquents from her previous school at a day during school hours. Youhei challenges Tomoyo, unable to believe what he saw. After several meetings with Tomoyo, Tomoya learns from Tomoyo that she wants to be a student council president, and later, her reason of wanting to be one.
Constellation: Libra
Blood type: O
Height: 161cm
Bust: 86cm
Waist: 57cm
Hip: 82cm
Weight: 47kg
Tomoyo transferred to Tomoya's school as a second year student during spring. Although Tomoya is older than her, Tomoyo does not show him his due respect as a senior student. She has a younger brother named Takafumi (鷹文).
She is rumored to be violent and to have a misconduct record for fighting. These rumors are later confirmed, when she beats up several delinquents from her previous school at a day during school hours. Youhei challenges Tomoyo, unable to believe what he saw. After several meetings with Tomoyo, Tomoya learns from Tomoyo that she wants to be a student council president, and later, her reason of wanting to be one.
Birthday: October 14
Constellation: Libra
Blood type: O
Height: 161cm
Bust: 86cm
Waist: 57cm
Hip: 82cm
Weight: 47kg
Tomoyo transferred to Tomoya's school as a second year student during spring. Although Tomoya is older than her, Tomoyo does not show him his due respect as a senior student. She has a younger brother named Takafumi (鷹文).
She is rumored to be violent and to have a misconduct record for fighting. These rumors are later confirmed, when she beats up several delinquents from her previous school at a day during school hours. Youhei challenges Tomoyo, unable to believe what he saw. After several meetings with Tomoyo, Tomoya learns from Tomoyo that she wants to be a student council president, and later, her reason of wanting to be one.
Constellation: Libra
Blood type: O
Height: 161cm
Bust: 86cm
Waist: 57cm
Hip: 82cm
Weight: 47kg
Tomoyo transferred to Tomoya's school as a second year student during spring. Although Tomoya is older than her, Tomoyo does not show him his due respect as a senior student. She has a younger brother named Takafumi (鷹文).
She is rumored to be violent and to have a misconduct record for fighting. These rumors are later confirmed, when she beats up several delinquents from her previous school at a day during school hours. Youhei challenges Tomoyo, unable to believe what he saw. After several meetings with Tomoyo, Tomoya learns from Tomoyo that she wants to be a student council president, and later, her reason of wanting to be one.
- Youhei Sunohara
Sumber :
Warna mata: Biru
Ulang Tahun: 17 Februari 1987
Tinggi: 167 cm (5,48 ft)
Berat: 55 kg (£ 121,25)
Sign: Aquarius
Golongan darah: AB
Pekerjaan: Mahasiswa
Youhei adalah teman Tomoya dan juga tunggakan. Ia masuk sekolah pada rekomendasi atletik dalam sepak bola (sepak bola), tetapi ditendang keluar dari klub sepak bola setelah terlibat dalam perkelahian. Setelah kejadian ini, ia menjadi malas, menjadi satu-satunya siswa dengan tingkat keabsenan lebih tinggi dari Tomoya. Dia dan Tomoya dikenal sebagai "Kotor Pair" di sekolah.
Youhei memainkan peran utama dalam beberapa jalur karakter. Youhei memainkan paling peran dalam busur Sunohara saudara ', yang berpusat di sekitar hubungannya dengan adiknya Mei, yang mencoba untuk membawa kembali kakaknya mantan diri.
- Furukawa Sanae
Sumber :
- Furukawa Akio
Sumber :
- Okazaki Naoyuki
Sumber :
Naoyuki adalah ayah Tomoya itu. Ibu Tomoya Okazaki Atsuko meninggal ketika Tomoya masih muda, sehingga hanya menyisakan dirinya untuk meningkatkan Tomoya. Setelah kecelakaan itu, Naoyuki berubah menjadi alkohol dan merokok, dan mengadakan sering berkelahi dengan anak laki-lakinya. Suatu hari ketika berdebat dengan anaknya pada hal-hal sepele, dia membanting Tomoya dinding, dislokasi bahu kanan Tomoya itu. Segera setelah itu, Tomoya menolak untuk keluar dari kamarnya, dan pada saat ia akhirnya pergi ke rumah sakit, itu dinyatakan tidak dapat diobati. Sejak saat itu, ayahnya telah diperlakukan Tomoya lebih ramah, tapi seperti orang asing daripada keluarga. Ini hanya melukai Tomoya bahkan lebih, sehingga ia menjadi tunggakan, karena ia tidak dapat berpartisipasi dalam kegiatan basket lagi, dan ia menghindari kembali ke rumahnya cukup dini untuk berhadapan dengan ayahnya. Tomoya memiliki niat melarikan diri dari rumahnya, seperti yang terungkap dari jalan Kotomi itu.
3.Plot / Alur Cerita
Clanad After Story , merupakan sequel lanjutan dari anime sebelumnya yaitu Clannad. Di sini memceritakan tentang perjalanan kisah cinta antara Furukawa Nagisa dengan Tomoya Okazaki , Banyak sekalai kejadian -kejadian yang mereka lalui dalam membentuk sebuah ikatan . Dan pada akhirnya mereka menikah dan disinilah terjadi banyak sekali kisah yang bisa meneteskan air mata
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